Yahoo Placement Paper Written Test Experience -September 2006

Hi Iam from Bangalore Studying in RVCE,Bangalore.
Yahoo came  to our campus on 7-9-2006.

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Yahoo Aptitude Questions | Yahoo Technical Questions 
|Yahoo Interview Questions.

You know Yahoo pattern is they will conduct four rounds.

1.Written test
3.Technical interview

Written test: 

Total 15 questions with different marks.

Yahoo Placement Papers | Yahoo Interview Procedure | 
Yahoo Aptitude Questions | Yahoo Technical Questions 
|Yahoo Interview Questions

Some were of multiple choice and some explanatory questions.

Some questions were from C++.

one question from DBMS related to 3rd normal form.

Questions from Data structure like infix postfix,merge 

Yahoo Placement Papers | Yahoo Interview Procedure | 
Yahoo Aptitude Questions | Yahoo Technical Questions 
|Yahoo Interview Questions

15th question again on  C code which was a server Programming.
3 hrs for that.
1hr for design and 2hr for implementation.
We can choose our own language like c,c++,Java.
Question was to design a XML parser.

After that Technical Round followed by HR round.

Yahoo Placement Papers | Yahoo Interview Procedure | 
Yahoo Aptitude Questions | Yahoo Technical Questions 
|Yahoo Interview Questions


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