My interview Placement paper with Dell ---- 2006 10 July

I  attended Dell for Interview on 10th July 2006 for Techincal Support. I
lost in 3rd round i.e Voice Asscent round. I would like to share my
experience with you all about Dell.

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Dell Aptitude Questions | Dell  Technical Questions | 
Dell Interview Questions

There will be four Rounds. 

1. Personal Introduction and Topic round.
2. Hr Round.
3. Voice Asscent round.
4. Operational Manager round.
5. Hr round .

1. Personal Introduction and Topic round :

In this round They will ask us to tell about ourselves and they will ask to
talk  about a topic this was easy round. The topic i selected is 
"Importance of Team Work".

Dell Placement Papers | Dell Interview Procedure | 
Dell Aptitude Questions | Dell  Technical Questions | 
Dell Interview Questions

2. Hr Round 

a) Tell me about yourself?
b) What do you know about Dell?
c) Why do you want to join Dell?
d) Are you ready to sign a bond?
e) Tell your strenghts and weakness?
f) what is meant by BPO?

3) Voice Asscent Round

Dell Placement Papers | Dell Interview Procedure | 
Dell Aptitude Questions | Dell  Technical Questions | 
Dell Interview Questions

In the voice asscent round you have to speak on phone with the trainee of
Dell. He will generally ask  you to introduce yourself and then ask you to
speak about any topic and again he will give you one topic and you need to
talk  about it.

At last he will ask Sentence completion like the following.

a. if it rains ----------------------------
b. in summer ------------------------
c. if i cooks -------------------------
d. if i don't cook ----------------------
e. i love -----------------------------
f. no one ------------------------
g. etc

Dell Placement Papers | Dell Interview Procedure | 
Dell Aptitude Questions | Dell  Technical Questions | 
Dell Interview Questions


Anonymous said...

Thanks a lot for sharing this placement papers.
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