Latest Sample Yahoo Placement Paper - I

Latest Sample Yahoo Placement Paper - I
Aptitude and Computer Awareness
No Negative Marking.45 minutes to complete the test. Do not write anything on question paper.

Directions for Questions Nos: 22 to 23
Kya-Kya is an island in the south pacific .The inhabitants of Kya-Kya always Answer any question with two sentences, one of which is always true and other is always false.

22) You are walking on a road and come to a fork. You ask the inhabitants Ram, Laxman, Lila,”Which road will take me to the village?”
Ram says,”I never speak to strangers. I am new to this place”
Laxman says,”I am married to Lila. Take the left road”.
Lila says,”I am married to ram. He is not new to this place”
Which of the following is true?
A) Left road takes you to the village
B) Right road takes you to the village
C) Lila is married to laxman
D) None of above
Ans. A.

Ram said he never talked to strangers, but he spoke to a stranger, this meAns that this statement is false, hence his other statement must be true, hence the second statement of Lila is false, hence her first statement is true that is she is married to ram, hence the first statement of Laxman is false, hence his second statement is true, that is take the left road.

23) You find that your boat is stolen.You question three inhabitants of the island and they reply as follows:
John says,”I didn't do it. Mathew didn't do it”
Matthew says,”I didn't do it. Krishna didn't do it.”
Krishna says,”I didn't do it .I don't know who did it.”
Who stole your boat?
A) John
B) Matthew
C) Krishna
D) None of them.
Ans. B

Matthew said he didn't know who did it, but he also said he didn't do it, which meAns he knows who did it, which meAns his second statement is false, which meAns his first statement is true…
Directions for question nos 24-25: There are five trains A, B, C, D and E that run between the following stations:
Bombay and Pune
Calcutta and Bombay
Pune and Goa
Goa and Bombay
Pune and Calcutta
Trains A and D do not go to Bombay, B&C do not go to Calcutta and C & D do not touch Goa.

24) Train E goes from………… to………… and vice-versa

A.Pune and Calcutta
B.Bombay to Goa
C.Bombay to Calcutta
D.Goa to Pune.
Ans. C

25) Which train runs between Calcutta and Pune?
A) A
B) B
C) C
D) D
Ans. D


26) The device that can trAnsform digital data into analog data is called a
Ans. d

27) Following is true about the IP of a machine
a) It is 48-bit and will always be unique around the world.
b) It is 48-bit and is not necessarily be unique around the world.
c) It is 32-bit and will always be unique around the world.
d) It is 32-bit and is not necessarily be unique around the world.
Ans. c

28) A machine having 64MB memory runs a executable which is 300MB on disk. This is achieved by:
a) Use of FAR pointers
b) Page swapping.
c) Save some variables on another machine on network.
d.) Cannot be run on the machine.
Ans. b

29) Which of the following is true about thread and process startup speed:
a.) The startup of a thread is faster than a process.
b.) The process startup is faster as it is directly controlled by the OS.
c.) They will be equal.
d.) Depends on OS that is used. Faster on Windows98 slower on NT.
Ans. a

30) What causes "Thrashing" of a program :
a.) The constant swapping of program due to page faults.
b.) The inability of a program to get assess to a network resource.
c.) A near overflow / underflow of a variable.
d.) Assessing a memory area not allocated to the process.
Ans. a

31) Turbo-C is a / an
a.) IDE and C compiler/linker.
b) C-compiler/linker
c) C .
d) code generator.
Ans. a

32) The path of creation of an executable is :
a.) coding, linking, compiling, parsing.
b.) coding, parsing, compiling, linking.
c.) coding, compiling, parsing, linking.
d.) coding, compiling, linking, parsing.
Ans. b

33) Memory leak in software is due to
a.) Heavy recursion used in logic.
b.) Using structures of large size
c.) Improper use of the CPU registers.
d.) Improper release of allocated memory .
Ans. d

34) A "stable sort" is different from "sort" in the following way
a) Stable sort handles multiple thread access.
b.) Stable sort maintains the order of equal entities as it was in original sequence.
c.) Stable sort will always sort using the fastest scheme available in the library.
d.) Stable sort can handle exceptional conditions like interrupts in software.
Ans. b

35) The classic way of checking whether a mathematical expression has matched paranthesis will employ the following data structure :
a.) List.
b.) Directed Graph
c.) Threaded Binary tree.
d.) Stack.
Ans. d

36) The fastest sorting algorithm for a Random set of numbers is:
a.) Quick sort
b.) Shell sort
c.) Bubble sort
d.) Double Bubble sort.
Ans. a or b, I don't know

37) Which of these items is not a form of IPC:
a.) Shared Memory
b.) Pipes.
c.) Message queues.
d.) Semaphores
Ans. b

38) The term "socket" in software refers to:
a.) The software primitive which allows access to the hardware attached to the computer.
b.) The API exposed by drivers to assess a hardware.
c.) End point of connection used to trAnsfer data programmatically.
d.) Th primitive used by OS to get assess to the CPU for process scheduling.
Ans. c

39) Which of these statements is True:
a.) XML is a sub-set of HTML.
b.) XML is a less generic markup language standard derived from SGML.
c.) XML is HTML for Xtended Interfaces like mobile-phones.
d.) XML is a Xtension of HTML which defines new tags.
Ans. d

40) DCOM and CORBA are:
a.) Specifications which enable faster downloads on the net.
b.) Specifications that allow objects to be accessed in a location independent manner.
c.) Parallel implementations of XML by Microsoft and Sun respectively..
d.) Specifications to store objects on disk, for later retrieval.
Ans. b

41) The Process that involves monitoring and improving the software product development
(a) Quality Assurance
(b) Quality Control
(c) Quality Improvement
(d) None of the above

42) An executable test that verifies a functionality of the software unit with given input and expected output is called:
(a) Test Script
(b) Test Plan
(c) Test Case
(d) All of the above
Ans. maybe c

43) A Bug in the software is, when there is
(a) Application Crash
(b) Feature Failure
(c) Loss of Data
(d) All of the above
Ans. maybe a, or probably d

44) Testing based on External Specifications without knowledge of how the system is constructed:
(a) Black Box Testing
(b) White Box Testing
(c) Stress Testing
(d) Performance Testing
(e) None of the above
Ans. a

45) Which of the following is false
(a) QA is a process defined to attain Quality Standards
(b) QC is testing of the product during its production workflow
(c) A Test case could contain many Test PlAns.
(d) A Test Plan could contain many Test Script & Test Cases
Ans. c

46) A Printing Machine that trAnsfers impressions from Flat Plate to Rubber Cylinder, thence to paper is called
(a) Laser Printer
(b) Press, Offset
(c) Digital Printer
(d) All of the above
Ans. maybe Offset

47) Printing process in which ink is applied to paper or board from raised portions of printing plates or type is called:
(a) Printing, Letterpress
(b) Printing, Flexographic
(c) Printing, Silk screen
(d) None of the above
Ans. maybe letterpress

48) Yellow (lemon), Magenta (cold red), Cyan (blue-green) are the three
(a) Process Colors
(b) Monitor Colors
(c) Special Colors
(d) Spot Colors

49) Leading specifies:
(a) The space between the lines in a paragraph.
(b) The space between the base of a line to the base of the following line in a paragraph.
(c) The space between the top of the X height and the bottom of the X height of the following line in a paragraph
(d) The space between the beard of the top line and the beard of the bottom-line.

50) Which is a typical page layout program out of the following software products:
(a) Adobe Photoshop
(b) Adobe PageMaker
(c) Macromedia FreeHand
(d) Macromedia Director


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