Latest Sample Placement Paper Of Infosys

Directions (Q. 1-7): In each of the following sentences there are two blank spaces. Below each sentence there are five pairs of words denoted by numbers 1), 2), 3), 4) and 5). Find out which pair of words can be filled up in the blanks in the same sequence to make it meaningfully complete.
1. A nation that loses the _______ of honesty loses its __________.
1) power, will
2) appeal, charisma
3) dictum, ground
4) stamina, courage
5) virtue, soul

2. If one gets rid of the government officials and politicians from the _____ of economic activities, corruption will be _____.
1) hub, balanced
2) nexus, reprimanded
3) gear, eliminated
4) genre, alleviated
5) sphere, reduced

3. The principal aim of a socialist state is to ____ _______ in income and status and standards of life.
1) abolish, poverty
2) curb, menace
3) eliminate, inequality
4) check, gulf
5) minimise, standards

4. To fight natural calamities wisdom requires that we ________ crises and _______ for them.
1) apprehend, tackle
2) anticipate, prepare
3) hamper, secure
4) address, evolve
5) sense, deviate

5. This collection of essays has _________ beyond the traditional ______ of a versatile economist.
1) ventured, domain
2) marked, line
3) performed, performance
4) sold, copyright
5) held, charisma

6. It is quite true that when the whole economy is in ________, raising the rate of interest has other ________.
1) seize, burdens
2) shambles, dimensions
3) jeopardy, glimpse
4) distress, implications
5) swing, justification

7. In a democracy, it is essential that ______ voices on one extreme or the other should exist as part of the system of checks and _____.
1) concerned, pressure
2) dissenting, balances
3) confronting, pranks
4) opposition, whims
5) eager, fancies

Directions (Q. 8-13): Study the following table and answer accordingly: The following table shows the marks obtained by six students in six different subjects.
Stu./Sub. History(100) Maths(200) English(150) Biology(150) Econo.(100) Hindi(150)
Ankit 62 162 113 30 75 90
Sana 59 118 103 38 72 107
Ramar 54 173 97 26 79 105
Sumantra 69 106 100 36 68 118
Joseph 68 109 109 32 75 113
Sharbani 72 143 76 40 64 103
8. Which two students have got equal marks in all subjects together?
1) Ankit-Joseph
2) Joseph- Ramar
3) Sana- Sumantro
4) Sana- Sharbani
5) Ankit-Sharbani

9. What is the approximate ratio between the sum of percentages of marks obtained by Ramar in History and Hindi and percentage marks obtained by Sharbani in Maths?
1) 7:4
2) 4:7
3) 7:5
4) 8:5
5) 5:9

10. Percentage of marks obtained by Sumantro in Economics is what percent more/less as a percentage of the percentage marks obtained by Ankit in Maths?
1) 15%
2) 10%
3) 13%
4) 19%
5) 23%

11. Percentage of marks obtained by Joseph in all subjects together is
1) 63.43%
2) 67.46%
3) 70.43
4) 60.59%
5) 73.43%

12. The marks obtained by Sumantro in Hindi is what per cent more than the marks obtained Sana is English?
1) 12.34%
2) 10.87%
3) 14.56%
4) 16.43%
5) 17.89%

13. What should come in place of question mark (?) in the following equation?
13 + 5 - ? = 14
5) None of these

Directions (Q. 14-25): In the following passage there are blanks, each of which has been numbered. These numbers are printed below the passage and against each five words are suggested, one of which fits the blank appropriately. Find out the appropriate words.
The earth is not only the 51 heritage of all humankind but also the ultimate 52 of life. By over-exploiting its 53 we are 54 the very 55 of our own life. All around signs 56 of the destruction 57 by human activity and of the 58 of nature. Therefore, the protection and 59 of the earth is not a question of morality or ethics but a question of own 60 . How we 61 to this challenge will 62 not only this generation but many generations to come.

1) cultural
2) common
3) historical
4) established
5) initial

1) destiny
2) sparkle
3) principle
4) source
5) goal

 1) burden
2) capacity
3) resources
4) nature
5) reserves

 1) undermining
2) stressing
3) forcing
4) seeking
5) evading

 1) hope
2) basis
3) unity
4) solidarity
5) growth

 1) compete
2) glitter
3) stages
4) marvel
5) abound

 1) caused
2) unfold
3) negligence
4) unfolded
5) highlighted
 1) casualty
2) abuse
3) load
4) degradation
5) harshness

 1) infrastructure
2) respect
3) conservation
4) beautification
5) generation

 1) doom
2) survival
3) rationality
4) prestige
5) intelligence

 1) cater
2) forward
3) confront
4) tolerate
5) respond

 1) review
2) reprimand
3) engulf
4) affect
5) deprive
ANSWERS : 1. (5) 2. (5) 3. (3) 4. (2) 5. (1) 6. (4) 7. (2) 8. (3) 9. (1) 10. (4) 11. (2) 12. (3) 13.(3) 14. (2) 15. (4) 16. (3) 17. (1) 18. (2) 19. (5) 20. (1)
21. (4) 22. (3) 23. (2) 24. (5) 25. (4)


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