TCS aptitude questions wid answer

1. 1. There are 150 weights. Some are 1 kg weights and some are 2 kg
weights. The sum of the weights is 260.What is the number of 1kg weights?
Ans 40
2. A is driving on a highway when the police fines him for over speeding
and exceeding the limit by 10 km/hr. At the same time B is fined for over
speeding by twice the amount by which A exceeded the limit. If he was
driving at 35 km/hr what is the speed limit for the road? Ans 15kmph
3. A moves 3 kms east from his starting point. He then travels 5 kms north.
From that point he moves 8 kms to the east. How far is A from his starting
point? Ans 13 kms
4. A car travels 12 kms with a 4/5th filled tank. How far will the car
travel with 1/3 filled tank? Ans 5 kms
5. The sum of the digits of a two-digit number is 8. When 18 is added to
the number, the digits are reversed. Find the number? Ans 35
6. The cost of one pencil, two pens and four erasers is Rs.22 while the
cost of five pencils, four pens and two erasers is Rs.32.How much will
three pencils, three pens and three erasers cost? Ans 27
7. Fathers age is 5 times his son's age. 4 years back the father was 9
times older than son. Find the fathers' `present age. Ans 40 yrs
8. What number should be added to or subtracted from each term of the ratio
17 : 24 so that it becomes equal to 1 : 2. ans:10 subtracted
9. What is the 12th term of the series 2, 5, 8, .... ans:35
10. If 20 men take 15 days to complete a job, in how many days can 25 men
finish that work? ans: 12 days
11. In a fraction, if 1 is added to both the numerator at the denominator,
the fraction becomes 1/2. If numerator is subtracted from the denominator,
the fraction becomes 3/4. Find the fraction. ans: 3/7
12. If Rs.1260 is divided between A, B and C in the ratio 2:3:4, what is
C's share? ans:560
13. A shopkeeper bought a watch for Rs.400 and sold it for Rs.500.What is
his profit percentage? ans:25 percent
14. What percent of 60 is 12? ans:20%
15. Hansie made the following amounts in seven games of cricket in India:
Rs.10, Rs.15, Rs.21, Rs.12, Rs.18, Rs.19 and Rs.17 (all figures in crores
of course). Find his average earnings. ans:16 crores

16) Bhanu spends 30% of his income on petrol on scooter. ¼ of the remaining
on house rent and the balance on food. If he spends Rs.300 on petrol then
what is the expenditure on house rent? ans: 175

17) If the numerator of a fraction is increased by 25% and denominator
decreased by 20%, the new value is 5/4. What is the original value? ans:4/5
18) The length of a rectangle is increased by 60%. By what % would the
width have to be decreased to maintain the same area? ans:37.5%
19) The value of  ¾ + 5 / 36 + 7 / 144 + …….+17 / 5184 + 19 / 8100 ans:0.99
20) A sporting goods store ordered an equal number of white and yellow
balls. The tennis ball company delivered 45 extra white balls, making the
ratio of white balls to yellow balls 1/5 : 1/6. How many white tennis balls
did the store originally order for? ans: 225
21) A student's grade in a course is determined by 6 quizzes and one
examination. If the examination counts thrice as much as each of the
quizzes, what fraction of final grade is determined by the examination? 
22) A sum of money is divided among A, B and C such that for each rupee A
gets, B gets 65paise and C gets 35paise. If C's share is Rs.560, the sum is
… ? ans:3200
23) Joe's father will be twice his age 6 years from now. His mother was
twice his age 2 years before. If Joe will be 24 two years from now, what is
the difference between his father's and mother's age?  ans:8
24) A traveler walks a certain distance. Had he gone half a kilometer an
hour faster \, he would have walked it in 4/5 of the time, and had he gone
half a Kilometer an hour slower, he would have walked 2 ½ hr longer. What
is the distance?  ans:15kms
25) Two oranges, 3 bananas and 4 apples cost Rs.15. 3 oranges, 2 bananas
and 1 apple cost Rs.10. I bought 3 oranges, 3 bananas and 3 apples. How
much did I pay?  ans:15
26) A report consists of 20 sheets each of 55 lines and each such line
consists of 65 characters. This report is retyped into sheets each of 65
lines such that each line consists of 70 characters. The % reduction in the
number of sheets is closest to. ans:20
27) A ship leaves on a long voyage. When it is 18 miles from the shore, a
seaplane, whose speed is 10 times that of the ship is sent to deliver mail.
How far from the shore does the seaplane catch upon with the ship? ans:20 miles
28) Anand finishes a work in 7 days; Bittu finishes the same job in 8 days
and Chandu in 6 days.  They take turns to finish the work. Anand on the
first day, Bittu on the second and Chandu on the third day and then Anand
again and so on. On which day will the work get over? ans:7th day
29) 3 men finish painting a wall in 8 days. Four boys do the same job in 7
days. In how many days will 2 men and 2 boys working together paint two
such walls of the same size? ans:12 12/13 day
30) There are 5 distinct pairs of white socks and 5 pairs of black socks in
a cupboard. In the dark, how many socks do I have to pull out to ensure
that I have at least 1 correct pair of white socks?  ans:6 pairs or 12 socks
31) In a circular racetrack of length 100 m, three persons A, B and C start
together. A and B start in the same direction at speeds of 10 m/s and 8 m/s
respectively. While C runs in the opposite at 15 m/s, when will all the
three meet for the first time on the track after the start?   ans:   aft
100 s           
32) If the distance traveled (s) in time (t) by a particle is given by the
formula s = 1+ 2t+3t2+4t3, then what is the distance traveled in the 4th
second of its motion? ans:171m
33) There is a circular pizza with negligible thickness that is cut into
'x' pieces by 4 straight line cuts. What is the maximum and minimum value
of 'x' respectively? ans:11,5
34) When ¾ of a unit's digit is added to the ten's digit of a two number,
the sum of the digits becomes 10. If ¼ of the ten's digit added to the
unit's digit, then the sum of the digits is 1 less than the previous. Find
the number. ans: 48 
35) LCM of x and y is 36 and HCF of x and y is 4. If x = 4 then what is ¼th
value of y? ans:9
36) Amal bought 5 pens, 7 pencils and 4 erasers. Rajan bought 6 pens, 8
erasers and 14 pencils for an amount, which was half more than what Amal
had paid. What % of the total amount paid by Amal was paid for pens? ans: 62.5%
37) A non-stop bus to Amritsar overtakes an auto also moving towards
Amritsar at 10 am. The bus reaches Amritsar at 12.30 pm and starts on the
return journey after 1 hr. On the way back it meets the auto at 2 pm. At
what time the auto will reach Amritsar? ans:3 pm
38) The total expense of a boarding house is partly fixed and partly
variable with the number of boarders. The charge is Rs.70 per head when
there are 25 boarders and Rs.60 when there are 50 boarders. Find the charge
per head when there are 100 boarders.  ans:55
39) How many positive integer solutions does the equation 2x+3y = 100 have?
40) A person had to multiply two numbers. Instead of multiplying by 35, he
multiplied by 53and the product went up by 540. What was the raised
product? ans:1590
41. In a two-dimensional array, X (9, 7), with each element occupying 4
bytes of memory, with the address of the first element X (1, 1) is 3000;
find the address of X (8, 5). ans:3212

42. In the word ORGANISATIONAL, if the first and second, third and forth,
forth and fifth, fifth and sixth words are interchanged up to the last
letter, what would be the tenth letter from right? ans: I

43. What is the largest prime number that can be stored in an 8-bit memory?

44. Select the odd one out. a. Java b. Lisp c. Smalltalk d. Eiffel. ans: d

45. Select the odd one out a. SMTP b. WAP c. SAP d. ARP ans:c

46. Select the odd one out a. Oracle b. Linux c. Ingress d. DB2 ans:b

47. Select the odd one out a. WAP b. HTTP c. BAAN d. ARP ans:c

48. Select the odd one out a. LINUX b. UNIX c. SOLARIS d. SQL SEVER ans:d

49. Select the odd one out a. SQL b. DB2 c. SYBASE d. HTTP ans:d

50. The size of a program is N. And the memory occupied by the program is
given by M = square root of 100N. If the size of the program is increased
by 1% then how much memory now occupied? ans: 0.5%

51. A man, a woman, and a child can do a piece of work in 6 days. Man only
can do it in 24 days. Woman can do it in 16 days and in how many days child
can do the same work? ans: 16 

52. In which of the system, decimal number 184 is equal to 1214? ans:5

53. Find the value of the 678 to the base 7. ans:1656

54. Number of faces, vertices and edges of a cube ans:6  8 12

55. Complete the series 2, 7, 24, 77,__ ans:238

56. Find the value of @@+25-++@16, where @ denotes "square" and + denotes
"square root". ans:621

57. Find the result of the following expression if, M denotes modulus
operation, R denotes round-off, T denotes truncation:
M(373,5)+R(3.4)+T(7.7)+R(5.8) ans:19

58. If TAFJHH is coded as SBEKGI then RBDJK can be coded as ---- ans: QCCKJ

59. G(0)= -1, G(1)=1, G(N)=G(N-1) - G(N-2), G(5)= ? ans:-2

60. What is the max possible 3 digit prime number? ans:997

61. A power unit is there by the bank of the river of 750 meters width. A
cable is made from power unit to power a plant opposite to that of the
river and 1500mts away from the power unit. The cost of the cable below
water is Rs. 15/- per meter and cost of cable on the bank is Rs.12/- per
meter. Find the total of laying the cable. ans:20250

62. In Madras, temperature at noon varies according to -t^2/2 + 8t + 3,
where t is elapsed time. Find how much temperature more or less in 4pm to
9pm. ans:7.5 more

63. The size of the bucket is N kb. The bucket fills at the rate of 0.1 kb
per millisecond. A programmer sends a program to receiver. There it waits
for 10 milliseconds. And response will be back to programmer in 20
milliseconds. How much time the program takes to get a response back to the
programmer, after it is sent? ans:30 ms

64. If the vertex (5,7) is placed in the memory. First vertex (1,1) `s
address is 1245 and then address of  (5,7) is ---------- ans:1279

65. Which of the following are orthogonal pairs? a. 3i+2j b. i+j c. 2i-3j
d. -7i+j ans:a&c

66. If VXUPLVH is written as SURMISE, what is SHDVH? ans:PEASE

67.If A, B and C are the mechanisms used separately to reduce the wastage
of fuel by 30%, 20% and 10%. What will be the fuel economy if they were
used combined. Ans:49.6%

68.Which of the following is power of 2? a. 2068 b.2048 c.2668 ans:2048

69.mplete the series. 3, 8, --, 24, --, 48, 63. ans:15,35

70.Complete the series. 4, -5, 11, -14, 22, ? ans:-27

71. B and C are 8 bit no's. They are as follows:
A 1 1 0 1 1 0 1 1
B 0 1 1 1 1 0 1 0
C 0 1 1 0 1 1 0 1
Find ( (A-B) u C )=? ans:109

72.A can copy 50 papers in 10 hours while both A & B can copy 70 papers in
10 hours. Then for how many hours required for B to copy 26 papers? ans:13

73. A is twice efficient than B. A and B can both work together to complete
a work in 7 days. Then find in how many days A alone can complete the work?
ans:10.5 days

74.A can finish a work in 10 days. B is 60% efficient than A. How days does
B take to finish the work? ans:6 ¼ days

75. A finishes the work in 10 days & B in 8 days individually. If A works
for only 6 days then how many days should B work to complete A's work? ans:
3.2 days

76.Given the length of the 3 sides of a triangle. Find the one that is
impossible? ans:B

a) 2,3,3.5     b) 1,5,7    c) 5,2,4.

77.Find the singularity matrix from a given set of matrices?

a) 0 1         b)  1 1         c) 1 0
1 0              0 0              0 1 ans:B

78. 2D array is declared as A[9,7] and each element requires 2 byte. If A[
1,1 ] is stored in 3000. Find the memory of A[8,5]? ans:3106

79. (a) 2+3i (b)1+i (c) 3-2i (d) 1-7i .Find which of the above is
orthogonal. ans:a&c

80.(Momentum*Velocity)/(Acceleration * distance ) find units. ans: mass

81. The number 362 in decimal system is given by (1402) x in the X system
of numbers find the value of X ans: 6
a) 5 b) 6 c) 7 d) 8 e) 9

82. Given $ means Tripling and % means change of sign then find the value
of $%$6-%$%6
ans: -72

83. My flight takes of at 2am from a place at 18N 10E and landed 10 Hrs
later at a place with coordinates 36N70W. What is the local time when my
plane landed.
a) 6:00 am b) 6:40am c) 7:40 d) 7:00 e) 8:00 
ans: 4 hrs

84. Find the highest prime number that can be stored in an 8bit computer.

85. Which of the following set of numbers has the highest Standard deviation?
1,1,0,-1,0,-1 ans: D
86. A family, planning a weekend trip, decides to spend not more than a
total of 8 hours driving. By leaving early in the morning, they can average
40 miles per hour on the way to their destination. Due to the heavy Sunday
traffic, they can average only 30 miles per hour on the return trip. What
is the farthest distance from home they can plan to go? ans: B
(a) 120 miles or less  (b) Between 120and 140 miles  (c) 140 miles (d)
Between 140 and 160 miles  (e) 160 miles or more
87. A car is filled with four and half gallons of fuel for a round trip. If
the amount of fuel taken while going is 1/4 more than the amount taken for
coming, what is the amount of fuel consumed while coming back? ans: 2 gallons
(a) Less than 2 gallons (b) 2 gallons                      (c) 2 1/2
gallons (d) 3 gallons                               (e) More than 3 gallons

88. A 3-gallon mixture contains one part S and two parts R. In order to
change it to a mixture containing 25% S, how much R should be added? ans: 1
(a) 1/2 gallon       (b) 2/3 gallon                     (c) 3/4 gallon    
  (d) 1 gallon    (e) 1 1/2 gallon

89. A tree grows only 3/5 as fast as the one beside it. In four years the
combined growth of the two trees is eight feet. How much does the shorter
tree grow in two years? ans: 1 ½ feet
 (a) Less than 2 feet  (b) 2 feet  (c) 1 1/2 feet (d) 3feet               
    (e) more than 3 feet.
90. Wind flows at 160 miles in 330 minutes, for traveling 80 miles how much
time does it require? ans: 2 hrs 45 mins
(a)1 hour30minutes                                      (b)1 hour 45 minutes
(c) 2 hours
(d)2 hours 45minutes                                    (e)3 hours

91. A stationary engine has enough fuel to run 12 hours when its tank is
4/5 full. How long will it run when the tank is 1/3 full? ans: 5 hrs
 (a) Less than 2 hours  (b) 2 hours   (c) 3 hours
 (d) 4 hours (e) 5 hours
92. If A is traveling at 72 km per hour on a highway. B is traveling at a
speed of 25 meters per second on a highway. What is the difference in their
speeds in meters per second? ans: 5 m/s
 (a) 1/2 m/sec  (b) 1 m/sec                                (c) 1 1/2 m/sec
 (d) 2 m/sec         (e) 3 m/sec
93. A salesperson by mistake multiplied a number and got the answer as 3,
instead of dividing the number by 3. What is the answer he should have
actually got? ans:1/3
       (a) 0                   (b) 1/3                         (c) 1      
 (d) 2                   (e) 3
94. If the length of a rectangle is increased by 30% and the width is
decreased by 20%, then the area is increased by... ans:4%
       (a) 10%              (b) 5%                       (c) 4%        (d)
20%              (e) 25%

95. In the class of 40 students, 30 speak Hindi and 20 speak English. What
is the lowest possible number of students who speak both the languages? ans:10
 (a) 5                       (b) 20            (c) 15                 (d)
10                      (e) 30

96. The most economical prices among the following prices is:
(a) 10 kilo for Rs.160 
(b)  2 kilo for Rs.30     
(c) 4 kilo for Rs.70 
(d) 20 kilo for Rs.340                                    
(e)  8 kilo for Rs.130
ans: B
97. A truck contains 150 small packages, some weighing 1 kg each and some
weighing 2 kg each. how many packages weighing 2 kg each are in the truck
if the total weight of all the packages is 264 kg? ans:114
(a) 36                           (b) 52                         (c) 88    
                     (d) 124                       (e) 114
98. A man was arrested for exceeding the speed limit by 10 miles an hour. A
second man was charged with exceeding the same limit by twice as much. The
second man was driving 35 miles per hour. What was the speed limit? ans:15
miles per hour
(a) 10 miles per hour                                       (b) 15 miles
per hour   (c) 20 miles per hour
(d) 25 miles per hour   (e) 30 miles per hour

99. One year ago Pandit was three times his sister's age. Next year he will
be only twice her age. How old will Pandit be after five years? ans:12 yrs
(a) 8                             (b) 12                      (c) 11      
                    (d) 13                     (e) 15
100. If two pencils cost 8 cents, then how much do 5 pencils cost? ans:20 cents
(a) 18 cents                  (b) 20cents               (c) 22 cents      
           (d) 23 cents   (e) 24cents

solve evry prb n try to match the answers...


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